Photograph of autumn in Kyoto red fall colors and Kiyomizu Temple

Kyoto Kiyomizu-dera and bright red fall foliage Photograph

This fall foliage Photograph is a Photograph colored bright red autumn foliage and the Kiyomizu Temple.

Approximate Photograph size and resolution

Photograph size and resolution please refer to below.

Horizontal Photograph

LL size: 5200 px x 3900 px resolution: 300 ppi

L size: 3200 px x 2400 px resolution: 300 ppi

M size: 2400 px × 1500 px, resolution: 300 ppi

S sizes: 640px x 480px resolution: 72 ppi

Vertical Photograph

LL size: 3900 px × 5200 px resolution: 300 ppi

L size: 2400 px × 3200 px resolution: 300 ppi

M size: 1500 px x 2400 px resolution: 300 ppi

S sizes: 480px x 640px resolution: 72 ppi

Purchase of Photograph

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