The moment the sun sets and the air wing pictures
Aerial photography is the photography of the moment the sun sets and the air wing.
Approximate photo size and resolution
Picture size and resolution please refer to below.
Horizontal photos
LL size: 5200 px x 3900 px resolution: 300 ppi
L size: 3200 px x 2400 px resolution: 300 ppi
M size: 2400 px × 1500 px, resolution: 300 ppi
S sizes: 640px x 480px resolution: 72 ppi
Vertical photos
LL size: 3900 px × 5200 px resolution: 300 ppi
L size: 2400 px × 3200 px resolution: 300 ppi
M size: 1500 px x 2400 px resolution: 300 ppi
S sizes: 480px x 640px resolution: 72 ppi
Purchase of photos
Please read the terms of use carefully before purchase.
The logo etc. are not included in the purchase image.
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