Picture of waves crashing on the shore
This wave picture is a photograph of how spiking waves on the coast.
Approximate photo size and resolution
Picture size and resolution please refer to below.
Horizontal photos
LL size: 5200 px x 3900 px resolution: 300 ppi
L size: 3200 px x 2400 px resolution: 300 ppi
M size: 2400 px × 1500 px, resolution: 300 ppi
S sizes: 640px x 480px resolution: 72 ppi
Vertical photos
LL size: 3900 px × 5200 px resolution: 300 ppi
L size: 2400 px × 3200 px resolution: 300 ppi
M size: 1500 px x 2400 px resolution: 300 ppi
S sizes: 480px x 640px resolution: 72 ppi
Purchase of photos
Please read the terms of use carefully before purchase.
The logo etc. are not included in the purchase image.
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