Weeping spring season became a full-bloomed cherry blossom Photograph

Photograph of cherry blossoms in full bloom and sky

This Sakura Photograph is a Photograph of cherry in full bloom in the spring season and the blue sky.

Approximate Photograph size and resolution

Photograph size and resolution please refer to below.

Horizontal Photograph

LL size: 5200 px x 3900 px resolution: 300 ppi

L size: 3200 px x 2400 px resolution: 300 ppi

M size: 2400 px × 1500 px, resolution: 300 ppi

S sizes: 640px x 480px resolution: 72 ppi

Vertical Photograph

LL size: 3900 px × 5200 px resolution: 300 ppi

L size: 2400 px × 3200 px resolution: 300 ppi

M size: 1500 px x 2400 px resolution: 300 ppi

S sizes: 480px x 640px resolution: 72 ppi

Purchase of Photograph

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